in some ways, the most important ways, this summer has been idyllic. i feel like i’ve been living in some northeastern novel on the required reading list for freshman lit. the weather has been perfect and we’ve spent the majority of our days out in the world and i keep thinking please let this be the summer she remembers.
i hope that when she’s older and going through the angsty periods that oftentimes result in the authorship of said northeastern novels that she’ll remember long summer days like these, exploring her world, being the master of the universe, splashing and swinging with best friends, telling older kids “technically, i can do whatever i want.” i hope she’ll remember these perfect days by the lake.
when i look back at this summer that has blown by, i’m really proud of all we’ve experienced. it may not be grand. it may not be faraway escapes or exotic new experiences but we’ve been taking in the world around us abundantly and yes, i am proud to provide that for my daughter.